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Saying Donald Trump may be in prison by 2020, is not the same as him chanting 'lock her up'.

“By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president,” she said to applause. “In fact, he may not even be a free person.” -Senator Elizabeth Warren.

During the whirlwind 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said a lot of stupid and hateful things. I don't have the time, or mental energy to list them all, but here are some of the memorable ones: 'Mexicans are rapists', 'I like people who weren't captured', 'blood coming out of wherever', 'lock her up'.

These quotes, far from being anomalies, where 'dog whistles', designed to be picked up and understood by his base, and the far right. 'Mexicans are rapists' is designed to signal a tough on immigration stance, but more importantly it signals the racists, that he too doesn't trust 'brown people'. 'I like people who weren't captured', was a backlash against the 'support the troops mania', that Trump was a 'true warrior', despite his 5 deferments from Vietnam. This attack also could indicate that he was above the fray, and no one would be safe from criticism in his America. The irony of John McCain, who unleashed Sarah Palin to the national spot-light, being attacked by the same type of Sarah Palin-ish anti-intellect right wing movement now embodied in Trump, was lost on most. 'Blood coming out of where ever', was a nod to the incel movement , that like to think themselves Alpha males. Lastly, there was the chant heard around the country, "Lock her up". This drummed up the right wing irrational fear of Hillary Clinton. As Joseph Goebbels said, "If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it". And so, Hillary Clinton became a criminal, the reason never specified. If pressed on her crimes, he would site Benghazi, despite 8 different Republican investigations unable to find anything. Then we were told it had to do something with her e-mails. Despite the fact that then Governor Pence of Indiana, actually had his e-mails hacked, from his private server. Finally, Trump would conflate President Clinton's impeachment with Hillary, or talk about whitewater, etc. Truth be told, none of these political events were crimes. These events were used by the Republicans as talking points on news outlets, to make Hillary Clinton look like a shady character, while the most cursory of internet searches on anyone of these events will show you that, nothing happened, no crimes were committed. Yet, the crowds chanted, "Lock her up!", in fact they chant it still.

Rational individuals, hear this "Lock her up" and think either, 'that'st Trump being an idiot he doesn't mean anything by it', or, 'wow, this could be the beginning of Totalitarianism within the United States!'. Locking up your political opponents, is not part of the American political narrative. Nor should it be. Full disclosure, I have often got on a good rant or two about President George W. Bush, and stated he should be tried for his invasion of Iraq under false pretense. I am not the president of the United States though, and a trial is far removed, from 'Lock her up'.

As quoted above, Senator Elizabeth Warren mentioned, that President Trump may be in prison by 2020. This was during her announcement to campaign for president. Republicans are quick to point to this comment and say, "See Democrats do it too!". Let's parse the facts though. WIRED magazine states that President Trump has 17 'distinct investigations'. The 17 don't include the FBI investigation, or the House Intelligence Community's investigation. Vox lists 37 Trump advisers and aids that have been indicted so far in the Robert Muller investigation, five of them have struck plea deals! That being said, we do live in a country that presumes innocence until proven guilty. While the evidence seems to be mounting, we must withhold judgment. That disclaimer aside, the realistic possibility stands, that President Trump may soon face charges. That process will need to play out. He may be found guilty and held accountable. Alright democrats, wipe that smile off your face! After all, we are still talking about the President of the United States. The fact of the matter is the justice system is different for those in power. Wouldn't President Pence, just pardon him? Wouldn't his 'legion of deplorables' take arms to 'defend the union'? Jim Baker has mentioned a second civil war if President Trump is impeached, Rudy Giuliani has said, "American's will revolt if Trump is impeached", countless articles have been written about the possibility, and Carl Bernstein has coined the phrase, "A cold civil-war", for the current state of the country.

The Republicans like to try to cover a terrible act they have performed, with something that seems similar by the Democrats, and call it a wash. Do not be fooled by this tactic though. For example, When former chief justice of Alabama, Roy Moore, was alleged to have sexually harassed 9 women, and had sexual relations with a minor. Republicans pointed to Democrat Al Franken, and a photo he took of his hands over a soldier's 'flack jacket' (I would call it an IBA, Interceptor Body Armor), over her breasts, while she was asleep. 'See Democrats do it too, so it's a wash!'. While what Al Franken did was terrible, it is a long way from sexual abuse of a child. Also, Al Franken requested an official inquiry, and resigned his position; while Roy Moore hunkered down and ran again with the support of Donald Trump! These are not the same! These are not a wash! The Republicans continue this behavior at the detriment of all.

When you hear someone object to Senator Warren's speech, because she dared to say Trump may be in prison by 2020, ask them; would you prefer she chant 'Lock him up?', it's not the same, Trump lacks all civility, and your Republican snowflakes have lost the right to claim moral outrage.

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